Making Sense of...CTE

  • Dialogue & Deliberation
  • "Making Sense of..." Guides

In an effort to cut through the seemingly endless stream of news we're faced with, our office periodically releases short discussion guides, called "Making Sense of..."  These short pieces are meant 1) as a way to become quickly acquainted with an issue, 2) see what people are reading on the topic, and 3) as a way to begin a conversation, using some discussion framing questions.  These guides are meant for use by anyone, but in particular we encourage use by college faculty (in classrooms and in disciplinary clubs) and in co-curricular campus settings.

This edition, written in the wake of new findings on the topic, deals with the issue of CTE.  The chronic disease has been in the news the past few years due in large part to the the long-term effects on football players during and following NFL careers.  However, the implications of CTE, as shown in the guide, stretch much further than the sports world.

Making Sense of...CTE